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Building & Grounds

This committee is in charge of all building related issues – from maintenance and upgrades to caring for the grass and shoveling snow from sidewalks. 


Chairpersons: Jerry Brown and Judy Norton

Finance & Stewardship

This committee is in charge of developing and recommending an annual budget to the Session.  It looks after the financial well-being of the church.  It also plans and implements stewardship events throughout the year to promote participation in giving of time, talents and monetary donations. 


Chairperson: Judy Norton


The primary goal of the worship committee is to create a welcoming and spiritual experience for church attendees.  The committee encourages congregational participation in all aspects of worship including serving as a liturgist, greeter, sound technician or vocal and instrumental musician, providing flowers or other enhancements for the sanctuary, preparing for communion and creating worship packets for children to use at the service. 


Chairperson: Carol Blatnick 

Christian Education

This committee works to provide Christian education for all ages.  From Sunday School classes to Vacation Bible School, there are opportunities for spiritual growth and building discipleship.  This committee may encourage Bible studies or Christian book discussions and may also recruit and be responsible for training teachers and youth leaders. 


Chairperson: Carol Blatnick

Congregational Care

This group is in charge of the Prayer chain, visits people as the need arises, serves as the welcoming committee for new attendees and monitors weekly attendance. 


Chairperson: Nancy Senti

Congregational Involvement

The goal of this fellowship committee is to schedule and coordinate congregational fellowship activities open to the whole congregation.  They arrange and coordinate food, refreshments, decorations and other needs for after church services and special events such as celebrations and funerals.  This group is also in charge of the kitchen organization, supplies, maintenance and repairs. 


Chairperson: Open

Other Committees

The Personnel Committee and Nominating Committee are active during the year and are made up of individuals as determined by the Bylaws of the Church.

Mission & Evangelism Team

Calvary Presbyterians are well known for supporting organizations within the community and elsewhere and helping those in need.  Among those efforts are: Samaritan's Purse, Pine River Shares, Bikes for Kids, Salvation Army Bell Ringing, Project Merry Christmas, Samuel's Kids in Uganda, Bayfield Food Pantry and Boy Scouts.  Members can be found participating in the 4th of July and Heritage Days festivities and selling pies and coffee to help with charitable activities.  Everyone is welcome and encouraged to be a part of these activities. 


Chairperson: Melanie Mazur

“The greatest among you will be your servant.”   Matthew 23:11
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